Come Join Us!
The Marching Millionaires have a rich history of excellence and are one of the most award-winning competitive groups in Williamsport.
Current staff, parents and students hope you will consider joining this “Sport of the Arts”.
Sign Up Now »
After registration, the staff will work to provide everyone with a schedule and materials necessary to get started working on skills that will set us up for success.
Parents/Guardians will be given information about the season as it evolves.
For now, we are asking everyone to register so we have contact information and can set up an online newsletter and communication.
Preseason practices begin at WAMS for:
Percussion on Wednesday, March 24 6pm - 8pm
Woodwinds, Brass and Guard on Thursday, March 25 6pm – 8pm
If you have questions, please speak with a current student or parent to get their unique perspective on the Marching Band. Please feel free to contact a director at any time.
Go Millionaires!